What does it mean to be lucky anyway? I tend to think people often get the wrong impression when this word comes to play. A handful of people in this world think that some are inherently lucky while others just aren’t. While you might argue that certain situations and circumstances do favor some people at some point in their lives, I believe everyone has had almost similar favorable circumstances and situations. The thing is that we tend not to recognize our own luck smiling upon us but we barely fail to notice when other people get lucky. Why is that the case? Why are most people fixated on the idea that luck is something that is only possessed by a few? You will hear things like,” He’s the lucky type” “I’m not lucky this time with the stock market” “John is usually lucky with the girls” “You lost to Faith in the card game huh. Better luck next time”. These statements are overtly giving the impression that luck does come into play in the mentioned situations, which I am not disputing. Regardless, the idea that some people are fundamentally lucky while others are not is insane to say the least. While we are busy noticing other people’s situations, we direct our focus from ourselves to other people, making it difficult for us to assess our own lives, our own LUCK.
Apparently, every person’s life is full of favorable happenings that most people shove off as ordinary things which don’t need special recognition. Conversely, when the same favorable things happen to other people, it is regarded as luck. Why do these people recognize luck in other people but not in themselves? It’s really simple. Because of their focus. When we focus too much on other people, our eyes cannot see what is happening in our lives thus we won’t be prepared to notice the slightest advantage the universe throws at us. Other people, furthermore, already have a made-up mindset that they are predominantly not lucky, therefore have no proficiency to notice a substantial situation in their lives. This is dangerous living, for the universe always has our best interests, seeking to help us out at certain points in our lives which we seriously need such help. But if we are closed up, we can’t appreciate or notice when the universe is lending a helping hand. Truly lucky people are the ones who realize that they are in fact lucky in the first place, and everyone is.
A good inspection of our life affairs can prove that I am right. Some outcomes in our lives are outright unfair, or unlucky in this context. However, others are lucky ones. I personally like to think that I am lucky in some areas of my life, and unlucky in other areas. This is actually not a bad thing for me, because I understand that life is all about balance. We can’t have it all, otherwise we would be gods.