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Praise for God

Many times I have been perpetually confronted with the imposing truth of how grand life is. As I was growing back in my early childhood I didn’t care for much. Literally everything was catered for by my parents, and even while schooling through to high school my cares were still meagre. Looking back in retrospect, my attitude was somewhat justifiable – I didn’t have any weighty or do-or-die responsibilities slapped in my face.

Every human being has lived in ignorance at least up to a certain juncture in their lives where they choose conscious existence in the stead of ignorance. Earl Nightingale – who was a brilliant orator of the 1900s – insisted on the importance of awaking from our slumber of ignorance. It’s saddening however that some people choose to live in ignorance all their lives.

What slapped me off my sleep was not a cataclysmic occurrence as many people report when asked what changed their lives. Conversely, a new reality has gradually been revealing itself to me. What reality? You may ask. Hang on first for just a smooth second. Earlier I mentioned how I had not a care in the world save for school grades among other minor details. Opening the chapter of adulting is when reality kicked in, followed hastily by the realization of how much more there is to life than what I saw and experienced while growing up. At first I thought that real life seemed pretty daunting so I began to cave in to my self-made metaphoric cocoon. What a blunder! That did not help at all, not in the slightest. All that did was introduce me to a world of depression, self-destructive behavior, hate, nihilism and all kinds of negativity you can imagine.

But thank God for God! Yes, that’s right. That one second you had to wait is already up so I’ve got to spill the beans. The reality which revealed itself – almost by chance but not quite – was the reality of God’s existence. Now this might sound strange for the reason that most people studied C.R.E either in primary or high school therefore we are aware of a God in the world.

What we learnt in school was theoretical but I am now speaking experientially. Yes we got some basic knowledge of the Bible and yes we were taught about some of the things God did. Personally I was just going with the flow of the curriculum therefore I did not meditate on those classroom lessons not even once. I have to hand it to my Mum for stirring my spirit a few years back. She gave me a book called ‘Jesus Calling' which had a tremendous impact in my life from then on. At that time when she handed me the book I was struggling with all sorts of things; laziness, addiction, nihilism, depression, and feelings of despair.

When I started reading the book – which is sort out systematically into daily prayers – my heart started opening up to God (I recommend you get a copy). After finishing the book I also started reading the Bible. I gradually started to have an ecstatic feeling which to be honest has no words to be precisely expressed. I am really grateful that there is a God in our lives. Not just a theoretical God but an experiential God who is real, in fact more real than anything around us. My heart leaps with immense joy when I think about His existence in my life. He yanked me out of my self-made cocoon of darkness and brought me out into His magnificent light. He led me to believe in His Sovereign Son who is my Lord and Savior. He is steadily transforming my mind into thinking like Him, oiling my attitude to adopt a cheerful countenance. He is providing for my every need so I shall not lack. He is comforting me. He is loving me unconditionally. He is pouring overflowing grace onto me, and performing all His other Fatherly duties duly.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that what seemed daunting to me about life are but small matters in the eyes of the Almighty. God is a strong tower who defends and protects all that run to Him in Faith. Even though I can be shaken, God cannot. Therefore I did not need a Masters Degree to know that in Christ Jesus I can never be shaken even with the greatest tumultuous conditions.

I am surprised by people who purport that they can make it in this life without God. Even inasmuch as many people gain worldly success devoid of faith in God, the Bible says that appearances are deceptive. The worldly success is no success at all according to what Jesus says all throughout His Ministerial endeavor. It is very short-sighted. He suggests we think long-term, along the lines of His Kingdom which is in Heaven. If we store up riches in Heaven, they are eternal and can’t be stolen not even by angels or principalities. I believe life is a rehearsal for what comes up afterwards; then what we can take up to Heaven will only be our character and nothing more.

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