Trust in the Lord

Complete trust in God is a rare gem, extremely tough to muster. Or is it? Perhaps to get properly acquainted with a worthy understanding of true trust in God it would be in order to study the men of old.
Some archaic acts from the Bible are no doubt mind-boggling to say the least. For instance consider how Noah built the renowned Ark to save his family and many animals from God’s wrath. Do not also forget how Abraham was just about to slaughter his only son on God’s ordinance. Ever thought what Daniel’s mentality was when he got tossed into the den of lions? No? Of course these are but a few honorable mentions although profoundly significant to this discourse.
As a matter of fact Noah was painfully mocked by people, questioning him incessantly about whether he had lost his mind. They thought he had gone senile to be building such a large boat. Noah did his part by informing the people about the looming danger to come. Conversely they scoffed at him taking him for a mad man. Despite all that mockery Noah kept a straight face trusting in the Lord his God – not doubting him even once amidst all other contradicting voices. Abraham put absolutely zero boundaries in his trust to the extent of resolving to put his son to death. Is there anyone breathing today who could dare? Honestly speaking.
Daniel knew God quite well. God accounted it to him to be called a faithful servant of God for trusting Him whole-heartedly. He never budged even the slightest after being ungraciously forced into the pit filled with wild beasts. The fall itself must have hurt bad.
These three men of valor had immense faith in God. Keeping cool with deadly blood-thirsty lion eyes gazing defiantly at you is no easy thing. Moreover the lions had obviously not eaten for a while so bet they must have thought to themselves that they hit the jackpot with Daniel. The smallest ounce of anxiety or fear in Daniel and he would have been a goner – but he stood strong.
True faith or trust is analogous to any of these and other legendary stories from the Scriptures. The epitome of faith is demonstrated by Christ Jesus Himself though. It is depicted perfectly in just one line Jesus uttered while He prayed at the Mount of Olives. First of all why is God Himself praying, but anyway, He says, “Father, if you are willing take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” – Luke 22:42. It portrays His total surrender to God the Father’s Will which He meticulously completed for our sake. It is through His portrayal of ultimate faith that we can derive an understanding of what faith looks like. He laid down the ground work so that we who believe in His name can build from where He put the foundation.
There is a multitude of things to put our faith in. Some put their faith in their wealth, some in their strength, others in their friends or acquaintances, others even on spiritualists. It would be an understatement to say that placing faith elsewhere other than God is a grave error. The Preacher asserts, “Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?” – Proverbs 20:6. Micah the Prophet proclaims, “Don’t trust anyone – not your best friend or even your wife!” – Micah 7:5. Trust in friends is a snare to those who practice it as warned by the Scripture. Not only trust in friends but also other fleeting worldly things like wealth and strength. There are serious repercussions in putting hope in such things.
“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” – Proverbs 18:10. It sure helps to memorize certain Scriptures so that in times of darkness the mind can quickly summon them forth into consciousness. This way the enemy is shattered greatly and hastily seeks refuge someplace else with no fortification.
Trust in the Lord comes from reading the Scripture. It does not just stop there though – true unshakeable faith will build from pondering over and over the Scriptures read (Trust and faith can be used interchangeably since they are one and the same). Brushing through a couple of verses for a few seconds before going to work just won’t cut it. Hardcore Abraham-style faith can only manifest by chewing over the verses, murmuring them throughout the day in good times and in bad. Trusting in the Lord even when nothing is working or making sense never comes overnight. Personal experiences with God as well as other people’s testimonies and experiences also help to build strong faith over time.
The key is sticking to the commitment of focusing on the power of God. It is not us, however, who grow our own faith – it is God Himself. “Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1:6. The Holy Spirit uses our Will to grow and strengthen our faith in God, isn’t that incredible?
Thus trust in God is only but a matter of focus. Whatever we focus on grows, simple. If we focus on the Lord our God as much as we possibly can throughout the day then that mustard seed shall invariably grow into one of the largest tree which it should.
Parting shot; “He replied, ‘If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.’ “– Luke 17:6.
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