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Man is inherently hard-wired to settle for nothing less than the best of the best. This is even truer when you look at how we strive to compete against one another in innumerable activities that we participate in; sports, education, social status, and even amassing wealth. Being competitive was ingrained early on during our childhood development, when we couldn’t stand our peers being better at us in anything. My earliest competitive experience as a child was when I had to model a better human figure than my friend with plasticine. These early experiences stick with us and we grow into adulthood having already conceptualized the design of competition. In the adult life as it is, people are always looking over their shoulders wondering what the next person is doing, how they are faring in relation to us, and most importantly, if they are ahead of us in the spectrum.

Striving to be ahead or better than the rest isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because on the upside, it creates a momentum that puts you on a productive cycle. Humans are built to succeed, we may fail once or twice or a thousand times, but we are indestructible, we have to win. How I peer at this phenomenon of wanting to be the best at what we do, is that God is trying to manifest Himself inside of us (just like the book of the Science of Getting Rich describes). The ineffaceable need to be the best is in reality God wanting to express his truest nature and in effect prompting us to have the desire to reach the peak of the mountain. I feel like all that is good, great, and beautiful is all associated with God who wanted us to have all of these by relying on Him. He was even smart enough to place the desire deep inside of us so that we could get in touch with it, and Him consequently.

How I’ve come to comprehend this is that God is the one who works in us to be and achieve all that we possibly can achieve as a human species. Being in touch with God is working hand in hand with Him to be all that you possibly can. To fix your attention on the best is to surround yourself with the best, and to become the best. Conversely, to permit your mind to dwell upon the inferior is to become inferior and to surround yourself with inferior things. As more and more people are seeking to live better lives, we should let God live our lives because God cannot help helping you. He must do so in order to help Himself.

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