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One of the most complex tasks ever humans have to deal with is to master our own minds. The mind is ours, yet it is so hard to take control of it. Here is why I presume this is so. The human mind is a complex mechanism which is in actual fact meant to be directed by our own volition lest it does the job for you. Truth is, neither you nor I want to be led on by the mind. I’m conversant with the fact that the mind indeed generates profoundly good ideas as well as thought processes, but that’s just the upside. However, the other side of the coin is the negative self-talk that it also generates which poses as a huge problem in most people’s lives. That little detestable negative voice in your mind could talk you out of a worthy course of action, a million-dollar deal, a marriage proposal or other good things you could have taken action on. This is why by all means you cannot let your mind control you.

There is a dire need for us to really take control of our minds, I mean really. My ultimate style of making sure I am the boss of my mind, not that my mind is my boss is this: DETACHMENT. Yes. Detaching yourself from everything; yourself, your friends, your family, your dog, environment, corporate affiliations and of course, your mind. Now, before you say I’m out of my mind and disregard this just hear me out first. Firstly I don’t mean you become a barbarian and live like a wildebeest with no friends, family or anyone around you. You need to realize that everything and everyone around you are influencing how your mind functions by feeding you ideologies. Now, you might say, “This is no reason for me to detach from them. I like it here and I resonate with all of it.” So just for emphasis, the detachment style I’m preaching here is one which you empty yourself of external ideals from people as well as your own self-proclaimed ones. You are not your thoughts. You are not living up to anyone’s ideals.

How can we survive in this world? You must essentially detach yourself from this field around you, not to be taken in by the stories, not to buy into the fear, not to buy into the threats on our existence. We are the ones creating these lives. If you buy other people’s creation then you manifest what they are creating. If you want what you want then you have to not get engaged. The fundamental habits in the subconscious mind came from other people, and that’s why they rarely match what you want in your conscious mind, which is you, and you create these programs yet the fundamental programs in the subconscious were downloaded during the first six years of our development. If you do a little introspection and find out that your belief system isn’t working well with you, then it’s time to detach. To make any meaningful progress, speaking to the subconscious with the language it understands is absolutely crucial. This is where habit comes in. Repeating the process of detachment over and over again until it comes natural.

Well, this is no easy feat. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to detach yourself from your own thoughts, not to mention courage. It’s worth the price, though. You will notice that you will enter a new dimension of spirit where now the only thing that awaits you there is bliss. You have given up your negative self-talk, other people’s idiosyncrasies, your environment does not bother you anymore and a bunch of other things. The spirit realm is where you enter after detaching yourself from the material realm that I had aforementioned. In conclusion, remember the rich man in the Bible who wanted to follow Jesus? Jesus told him to go back and sell all his stuff but he couldn’t. You know why? Yes you’re right. He was too attached to his stuff so he couldn’t picture a life without them. Again, detach, detach, detach.

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