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The Law of Correspondence

This is one of the 12 irrefutable Laws of the Universe which are believed to be inherent, perpetual laws that ancient civilizations have always instinctively been cognizant of. What’s so impressive and terrifying about these laws is that we can use them to our advantage once we are enlightened on their significance, and the flipside is that they can be working against us owing to ignorance on their existence.

Either way, they continue working with or without people’s awareness of them. "All of the laws are about mastering your life with love and joy," Spiritual author Shannon Kaiser explains.

This particular law states that our outside world is like a mirror of our inside world. That is to say, what happens around us is a direct reflection of what is happening within us. In case you’re still wondering what in the world I’m talking about, simply put, how you’re feeling is what you’re manifesting. Think “As within, so without. As above, so below.”

Since there is a correspondence between our surroundings and what is going on inside us, this means that if our inner world is despondent, our outer world will invariably be despondent. The outer world is not more than a mirror that reflects our inner state. If our life is full of chaos and trepidation, this law says that it’s because there is chaos and fear within us.

What we incessantly visualize in our minds as well as the thoughts that we hold consciously appear in our external world as subconscious outcomes. Our subconscious mind is a powerful mechanism which has no bias on whatever is being impressed upon it, whether good or bad, helpful or redundant, it merely recreates exactly what we’re focused on most of the time.

It’s futile even if we think we can alter our outside circumstances before we first make an effort to change our inside world. That is why most often it seems that we are running around in circles and feel stuck in a rut, unable to be emancipated.

On condition that we are in a pessimistic state of mind, feeling desolate about our lives, our outside world will reflect back to us precisely what we feel through the experiences that we have and people we encounter. This makes it all the more worse because then we will feel even more desolate than before, consequently the worse is the direct impact on our reality. Whatever we see outside, we perceive from the frame of mind which we have assumed. On that account it will be like a self-fulfilling prophesy.

There is a lesson to all this, however. Our outer world becomes messy to show us that there is disarray on the inside world, so that in due course we can learn how to align and use the Law of Correspondence.

How can we use the Law of Correspondence?

Our experiences in life correspond directly with the quality of thoughts which we predominantly hold. For this reason it is of vital prominence to escape the encumbrance of transferring energy from our minds in the form of thought patterns, words, emotions and actions that are in a low vibration of energy, as this low vibrational energy is returned to us with astounding accuracy.

At the outset, it’s paramount to first take a keen look at our idiosyncrasies that run the show. By large we picked up on them in our earlier years as we were growing up (This happens subconsciously as we aren’t in direct control, until at some point which we reach consciousness, at least). If our thoughts are contrary to our goals, then it’s impossible to go through with them. The results will be counterproductive, I’ll tell you that much. Therefore we first have to recognize our conflicting thoughts in order to cease them on their tracks.

After paying attention to what we do at the micro level in our inner world, it’s time to start changing our thought patterns to begin working for us. We can start holding positive thoughts and ideas in our consciousness and remaining in that state no matter what. By doing so, we will be sending out vibrant positive energy into the world, which will inevitably be reflected with new positive experiences, friends and circumstances.

When our thoughts are in alignment with our goals, then we can be sure that the Law of Correspondence will see to it that our efficacious energy is perpetuated back to us by the universe (outside world) through achievement and satisfaction.

It’s about time we come back to consciousness by recognizing the fact that our inner world is where we hold the most absolute power, the outer world is only a reflection of what is within. Within is where we will find truth, happiness, tranquility and everything else we seek to find in other places.

It’s hard to make a radical change in our behaviors and thoughts which we have clung to for so long, but it’s of the essence to live a fulfilling life. We have to go within.




YWCA- Parkview Suites, Nairobi, Kenya

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