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Time to Go

There is predominantly an acceptable norm of life that we live out at a particular point during the course of our lives. Properly speaking, the laid out system of routine that we’ve constructed for ourselves serve us okay, at least for us individually but only until a time comes that it becomes obsolete. The system now no longer works then we get perplexed as to how so and eventually frustrated that we have to develop a new system to realign with our developing selves. Oft-times the value system we adopted early on consisted of bad and redundant habits that simply cannot come with us into the next phase of life that we are getting into. These ones, however, are the most obstinate habits to drop for the most part because we are human, and dropping a poor habit requires stupendous courage not to mention will.

I believe that disaster in our lives plays a crucial role in shaping us, since we are oblivious to the areas in our lives that need attention until something major happens. In this case, it’s in the face of adversity that things begin to change, that we begin to change by dropping off unhelpful baggage that we had been carrying for so long. Here is where the magic starts to happen. I found that once I was willing to let go of most of my bad no-longer-working habits, I had more focused energy. This is when I decided it was 'time to go'. I resolved to put all of my mental energy on the goals I had formulated for myself: financial goals, relationship goals, spiritual goals and personal development goals. This is honestly a divine place to be because when you’re strictly working on the necessary goals in your life you will have God on your side helping you out.

When it’s time to go, it really is just time to go, there’s no second-guessing, no double-mindedness; you have to do it. Sometimes we wonder whether we are cut out for a certain goal we are aiming towards, wondering if we will surely make it there. This double-mindedness is poison to the soul although everyone has these kinds of doubts. In any event, when you are ready to shoot at a goal you will definitely feel it so you better aim that arrow as perfect as you possibly can to hit the target. No matter where you are, life will hand you a pack of cards to play out. Whether you have a universal card or whatever just play your cards wisely and the areas which you can affect in life it is primal that you do it at your best.

Let me end this with a wise quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance, that imitation is suicide, that he must take himself for better or worse as his portion, and that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn could come to him but through the toil bestowed on that part of ground which is given him to till. The power that resides in him is new in nature and none but he knows what that is which he can do. Nor does he know until he’s tried. Trust thyself. Every heart vibrates to that iron string.”


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