Where to Next?
Deciding where to blow a bag of cash on is not an easy task, I mean just ask John Dowh who spent millions on a trip he didn't actually like in the end. (I won't disclose the real name for anonymity purposes lol) If you are like me, you might be wondering where your next adventure will be, what kind of experience you would like to have, the number of days or weeks you will be traveling, among other numerous things. Making traveling decisions comes along with considering the aforementioned factors and ofttimes you will have to include your family, friends, loved ones or your online travelers community base. These outside influences usually play a large role in advising you on good decisions before you make a lifetime blunder like John Dowh. Online communities for travelers are especially helpful since people share ideas as well as inspirations from the places they have been to. I particularly like TripAdvisor travel community (https://www.tripadvisor.com/) for its transparency and a wide array of travelers in the Travel Forums.
So where to next? You scratch your head, with a couple of pennies in your bank account but you have absolutely no idea where you will have a good time. My guess is that you also want this particular trip to be a memorable one as well, having saved up for it. For novice travelers, this task would be a remarkably huge bone to chew, and that is why it would be best to consult an online community base for insights. On the other hand, experienced travelers who travel approximately 2.5 times a year would find it a breeze choosing a getaway. The latter have extensive photo collections on top of travel journals which they keep as they travel around the world. Before you head on to your next trip, consider keeping one for yourself. Your children's children will really appreciate your youthful adventures (If at all you are still young like me). If you are wondering how to start your own personal journal check out this blog https://artjournalist.com/how-to-start-a-travel-journal/
However, you don't need to break the bank so that you can have a resplendent trip. No matter which country or continent you live in, a reasonable amount of cash is enough for you to enjoy yourself. In Kenya, safaris to game parks are an awesome getaway that we Kenyans cherish more than anything. Narrowing down to the Masai Mara Game Reserve, this is an exceptionally ideal location to experience nature at its best. I have been to the Mara a couple of times, and you can take my word for it, this place is tremendous. Don't trust me yet? Go find out for yourself, and thank me later on my socials 😊
Check out the company I traveled with to Masai Mara here https://www.africahomeadventure.com/
Here are the photos I took on my last safari to Masi Mara..

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